Author: Freya

Editorial Head. Passionate in blogging and writing about topics related to business, finance, law and related.

The Cybersecurity Trends and Threats in Healthcare Right Now As has been well reported by now, the NHS suffered a damaging ransomware attack in early June of 2024. The breach impacted several hospital trusts, including Guy’s and St Thomas’ teaching hospitals in London, and King’s College Hospital. According to reports by the BBC and other news outlets, the ripple effects of this attack have been significant. Nearly 3,000 outpatient appointments and over 1,100 planned operations have been delayed or cancelled as a result of the disruption, and Trusts have put out desperate pleas for blood donations after records became compromised.…

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The Importance of Penetration Testing for Small Businesses In an increasingly digital world, the data that businesses hold is now one of the most important and most valuable assets that they can have. This means that the type of crimes that they are most likely to be a victim of will come from the digital world rather than the physical one as cyber criminal aim to get their hands on this valuable data or cause massive disruption to businesses. This has meant that most businesses have some form of cyber security in place, but how can you be sure that…

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8 Ways to Improve the Cybersecurity of Your Business Cyber-attacks are devastating for any business, often leading to financial loss, disruption, and significant reputational damage. Small businesses are just as vulnerable to cyber-attacks as large corporations. Although they may be less of a big target, SMEs also have fewer resources with which to defend themselves. However, this does not mean there is nothing small organisations can do to protect themselves. By taking a few sensible precautions, SMEs can mitigate risk and improve security. If you work within a small business, this blog post is for you. Train and Re-train Your…

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Fly Tipping in London Fly tipping, or the illegal disposal of waste on unauthorised land, continues to be a major urban challenge for London, which not only tops the charts in England for such incidents but also significantly impacts national statistics. The Scale of the Problem in London From 2021 to 2022, England experienced over 1.09 million incidents of fly tipping, slightly down from the previous year, yet London’s numbers remained alarmingly high. Notably, boroughs such as the City of London, Westminster, and Camden reported the highest frequencies, with these areas experiencing a disproportionate number of incidents per 10,000 residents.…

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How Independent Trades Shape British Communities? In our busy lives, it’s easy to oversee the importance of the people who keep our homes functioning smoothly, our towns lively, and our cities vibrant – tradespeople. From the plumber who rescues us from a flooded bathroom to the electrician who ensures our lights stay on, these individuals are the backbone of our communities. However, a survey from Clothes2order shows that there is a growing trend towards favouring independent trades and small businesses. Clothes2order, renowned suppliers of personalised workwear, recently conducted a survey shedding light on this preference. With a staggering 93% of…

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Enhancing the User Experience with Advanced Slots Game Technology Ke­eping players hooked is a task. Advance­d tech revamps online casinos now. This pie­ce digs into how groundbreaking tech boosts visuals and animations and e­levates the ove­rall user journey. Slot game te­ch grew from basic machines into high-tech wonde­rs. Games now offer virtual reality, captivating graphics, imme­rsing players in the action like ne­ver before. Virtual Reality Virtual reality (VR) shakes up slots. Players fe­el inside, not just viewing a scre­en. Special goggles transport the­m, interacting by touch, move, explore­. It’s like stepping into a living slot realm, unfolding around you. This…

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The Most Prominent Occasions to Present Bunch of Flowers Sending a gorgeous floral mix is a genuinely terrific option to demonstrate your care to someone beloved or at least just close to you. Whichever the occasion should be, spontaneous flowers can make the day really nice. Not because of their charm or sophisticated look, but studies revealed that people who were gifted blooms feel closer to the person who sent them, even though they have a small knowledge of each other! Some of them consider the folks who send some nice posies on crucial gift occasions to be those ones,…

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Home Technology That Can Help Seniors Stay at Home Even if you are considered a senior, you likely still have a couple of decades of life to enjoy, and you may want to spend as much of it in your home as you can. For some older adults, ongoing health concerns mean that aging might require advanced care that can’t be given in the home. However, if you are still relatively healthy, you may find that aging in place gives you a better experience and is more affordable than an assisted living or nursing home. There are more products out…

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Running a business in this digital age can be a complicated affair, and one of the most valuable assets a company can use is the data it collects from customers and enquiries. If your business is clever, it will put the data it collects to work, significantly affecting how successful your business can become. There are many ways of utilising the massive amounts of data your company collects and putting it to work to help your company grow. You can see some of the options you can consider listed below to show you how valuable your data can be for…

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A ceiling is not merely a functional aspect of a room; it’s an opportunity to infuse style, character, and functionality into your space. Dropped ceilings, also known as suspended ceilings, offer a versatile canvas for creativity. Whether renovating an office space, revamping a retail store, or redesigning a residential area, the choice of ceiling panels can significantly impact the overall ambience. Below, you can see various ceiling panel options tailored to suit different preferences and requirements. Ceiling Panel Options You Can Consider For Your Dropped Ceiling Acoustic Panels Acoustic ceiling panels are a top choice in spaces where noise control…

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